Outta tune Tele, Old Man Storytime | The FiftyNiner Winder Show S01E07
What started out as a quick idea for a video, spun out of control and became a 50+ minute long 15-minute video. We convert my '09 Telecaster Standard back to 10's and standard tuning from 13's and something in the arena of Baritone tuning. In the opening Jam you can hear how bad the intonation is on those 13's. Threw in a little micro impression of ol' Uncle Larry for some fun, the repeated top corner "Hello Friends" cracks us up in this old household that contains an incredible woman, two great kids, two new cats that keep hiding and farting, and a guitar nerd sharing his journey on his quest for tone (or escapisms from reality as a coping mechanism for life's wrath and a lifetime of self loathing).
In an attempt to cut the video under 20 minutes, we trip and stumble into a rabbit hole about life as a guitar enthusiast and the amazing windows we have access to into the lives of incredible session players and professional musicians. What a time to be alive. That ballooned the video... this is now a 50+ minute long 15-minute video. Is this why Scripts are important? Scripts are for suckers!
Seriously, you guys need to read these descriptions more because it explains a lot.