Goodbyes, Gig Rigs n' Haircuts | The FiftyNiner Winder Show S01E05
In this episode of the FiftyNiner Winder Show, we get all Gretschy with a Gretsch 5230T Electromatic® Jet™ in Cadillac Green for a rough draft on something for Kitty. We say goodbye to Kitty who made her appearance on Episode 4 on this YouTube channel.
Then we go over my pedalboard and gig rig in my usual fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants fashion of winging it. Using the Temple Audio Duo 17 board, you learn how I run mine for a split sewtup - front of amp section and an effects loop section into the ever incredible Bogner Shiva 20th Anniversary KT88 head and oversized cab loaded with Celestion Creamback 65 and 75 speakers.
Also got a haircut, so that's more stuff you really don't care about, and before showing some clips of last friday night's gig, I get into salesman mode real quick just to quickly go over the Built-to-order vs Ready to Ship sections of RomainPickups.com.