Can a Fender Tone Master amp handle higher gain? | The FiftyNiner Winder Show S01E08

Can a Fender Tone Master amp handle higher gain? | The FiftyNiner Winder Show S01E08

In this episode, you get to essentially watch a tone chasin' die-hard tube amp guy experience a digital modelling guitar amplifier for the first time, the Super Reverb Tone Master amp from Fender. We fly by the seat of our pants on this show, and this amp was rented the morning of the same day this video was created and uploaded.

I had been searching for a video showing these amps being used with more gain than just light break up and mild Overdrive. Not being sponsored or paid by Fender to showcase this amp, you get an honest effort in showing what this amp is really like. Knowing full well that I may be using this amp far beyond it's designed intentions, the experience ends up surprising me in the end.

A Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever else you may be celebrating or taking time off for... See you in the new year.

FIFTYNINER WINDER S01E08 | Can a Fender Tone Master amp handle higher gain?
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